Our chefs specialize in authentic and delicious Thai food. The staff at Nathan's Noodles is devoted to serving customers mouthwatering dishes that feature the highest quality ingredients available. Pad Thai Noodle, Woonsen Pad Thai Noodle and Pad See Eiw Noodle are all prepared quickly and delivered to you right away.
Nathan's Noodles uses only the freshest ingredients around, ensuring that every dish is of the highest possible quality. Not sure what you're in the mood for? Try one of our specialties including Crispy Pad See Eiw Noodle , Pad Kee Mao, Pad Woon Sen Glass Noodle, Rama Noodles, and more.
Tuesday - Sunday
11:30am - 8:00pm
Tuesday - Sunday
11:30am - 8:00pm
We Deliver To:
683 N York St, Elmhurst IL, 60126
Thai Food Elmhurst Thai Food Bensenville Thai Food Villa Park Thai Food Addison Thai Food Northlake Thai Food Berkeley Thai Food Oakbrook Terrace Thai Food Lombard Thai Food Hillside Thai Food Wood Dale Thai Food Delivery Elmhurst Thai Food Delivery Bensenville Thai Food Delivery Villa Park Thai Food Delivery Addison Thai Food Delivery Northlake Thai Food Delivery Berkeley Thai Food Delivery Oakbrook Terrace Thai Food Delivery Lombard Thai Food Delivery Hillside Thai Food Delivery Wood Dale